Hols plan

Hai, my sweetheart(s).

How are your boyfriendss? Sihat? Oh, sorry lah kalau mereka semua kini berada di hospital. I dah kasi green light kat kawan-kawan I untuk kerjakan mereka kalau mereka berani buat benda-benda bullshit. So, yeah, I harap kamu faham kenapa I suruh kawan-kawan I bawak baseball bat bersama mereka ketika kamu keluar bersama mereka( boyfriends ) minggu lepas. *sapa suruh tak setia*

Haha. Apa yang aku merepek nie? *abaikan* So ri nie balik yeah,yeah..! Muahahaha, Aku balik lama sempena dah korbankan minggu lepas punya cuti. So,aku,Hazeem Hakeemi Bin Baseri should make up with a plan during this coming Chinese New Year hols. Next Monday has a medical appointment, but I'm not really sure that I can attend,'cause my parents are so damn busy. For my friends which are going to stay back at thier hostel whereby going to have a rugby tournament,gut luck noe. I miss my 1000D actually. Aku since dapat this Dslr jarang sangat ngadap lappy nie. Addicted pnya psal. Then,planning just nak hang out with my friends kt Alor Star,street candid serious besh. Tapi tak taw la,my leg is much more important than everything. Guys,wish me luck!

My first model in my Dslr!

Ada lagi yang lebeh penting,homeworks! Haha! Cacat doe. Malas actually,Add Maths,I love you! Tak pernah ngantok dlm kelas. Yayaya! Tak tipu lah! 

Anyway,this coty gak nak kena bnyak study for my RnD project,"Phaleria Macrocarpa acts as the medium for anti-cancer"! Gilak arh! Then,kalu succed maybe bleh jadi Encik Doctor la pasnie. Masuk market,then make some incomes! Saina,gilakgilakgilak. Haha!

No fight!

Anyway,see ya later! Friends,take care!


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