Ladies and gentleman! Hye! Hoola Boola! Anything's up? I don't care!
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Don't feel the pain yer sayang! |
Hey,let's talk 'bout sakit nak? Haha! Well,actually I don't know what to do when I'm in pain. I mean waktu saket. Terok right?
So,let's say before this korang used to be a great rugger. Play all around Kedah,sana sini. Then,one day korang saket kaki yang paling simple,which is isi terkoyak kat toe korang! Then,korang wat-wat besa jer. It's too painful right?
Actuall,banyak lagi penyakit yg simple tapi kita selalu wat ringan jer! Yer lah,cakap kta kuat la ape la. BOHDOS TOL. Actuall gak,I'm referring to myself instead. I'm too bad in handling myself,TOO BAD! Well,couple of years ago,I had a problem with my feet,also the palm of my hands! What is it? Ermm,my doctor said it was a kind of sickness called "HYPERHIDROSIS". Ever heard? No right? Well,damned-penyakit was dah lama jadi cuma aku jer yang bohdos stupid tak amik serious!
My mom dah cakap,kalau tak selesa then jomlah gi specialist. Kowt-kowt boleh overcome,then aku malaih,even demi kebaikan diri sendiri. STUPIDOS! Then,time after time benda getting serious. Aku relax jer,wat poyo kta sehat. Padahal suffering nak pkai kasut. Ingtkn benda besa jer. Then,last year amik PMR. U know what sayang,waktu sit for the exam my hands were wet. Habis paper slightly wet. Nasib baek tak terlalu affect badly! so,bodohkan?
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Die hard! |
Well,this 2011 my parents urge to meet the specialist. Wat appoinment apa semua,then last-last this March baru boleh settle down kowt. Lambat gila! SHEEET!
Well,I guess small thing can ruin everything! Baca this!
No pen = No notes
No notes = No study
No study = Fail
Fail = No diploma
No diploma = No work
No work = No money
No money = No food
No food = You get skinny
You get skinny = Then you get ugly
Ugly = No love
No love = No marriage
No marriage = No children
No children = Alone
Alone = Depression
Depression = Sickness
Sickness = Death
.:Lesson: Don’t lose your pen or you will die:.
See,just a small thing ( pen ),hancur hidupkan? Well,small thing kan as the platform of massive thing right? Mcm kawen la,firstly kena ngorat. Time ngorat pown dah fail then berangan la kawen ngan dia tue la,dia nie la. Last-last kawen ngan tangan sendiri! Haha!
So,sebagai anak En. Baseri la kan,nak highlight nak kata saya sayang orang tue. Nama? Haha! Tue la nama dia! Woot pfffffffffffft!
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Ok then,c ya!
Err... correction.. bhgian no diploma = no works tu... klu skarang ni, ada dploma pn x tntu lgi ada keja... hahaha. Don't take it seriously lah~~ Just stopping by to visit juniors' blogs. Enjoy ur life~
cacat gla en?
tpi xper,kta kna create equation sndri !!!
hahah~~ sja jaa... jgn amik hati la~~ keep up postong new posts.
Salam, thanks for following me!! :)
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