Hey! Hello gedik lads and gents. Anda semua sihat? Apa? Tidak sihat? So? Who cares? You are infront of your wood PC, online, facebooking and streaming Maria Ozawa latest vids then you are sihat enough to read my blog.
Anyway,I got a hot,slutty story to tell you all guys! Something 'bout my 2010 class,I mean gedik-class. Haha.
My class contents with 15 cute,horny boys and 15 pretty,chubby girls. They're all lah yang membangunkan nama Proactive in form 3 eventhough the class is always messy with dead hookers and damn rubbish. Never do your duty lah tue.
This class was told to be occupied by the Top30 students! Woahh,a nice theory that full of lies! Ahaks. Semuanya pandai dalam bidang masing-masing. Flirting,kissing,peeping and freaking nice in sleeping. Hyphotesis accepted! Ngee~
3P,stood steadily. Haha,steadylah sngt. Well,I guess nie lah class yang paling havoc dalam evolution. Is it? Sure!
Well,nevermind. This class is led by a lady! Haha. The single one plak tue. Teacher Mazla,our beloved science teacher. She's not my cup of tea. Why? Haha. Ask me privately taw-.-
Well,nevermind. This class is led by a lady! Haha. The single one plak tue. Teacher Mazla,our beloved science teacher. She's not my cup of tea. Why? Haha. Ask me privately taw-.-
Attention,attention! My class monitor nie plak someone yang agak talkative. Hey bitch,I miss you just a few minutes in this holiday taw! Haha. Anyway,he is a tremendous leader la kowt. Credit to you =)
Helios of mine. |
Well,aku ada girlish-classmates seramai 15! Ada orang kata dalam class nie ada Mak Nyah ninggal so that's why lah girls dalam kelas nie agak awfully act! Haha. Eventhough korang semua agak kurang baek ngan boys nie,kitorang still sunyi kalau korang tak datang class. Is it? Huh? No comment. From scale 1 to 10,I just give 11. Fair and square. No deal,no denial! So,this is the list lah.
- Zatie
- Waween
- Botet
- Alia
- Anna
- Nab TJ
- Anum
- Syazmira
- Nadiah
- Amierah
- G-Ah
- Ram
and so on. ( lupa,arghh! )
Auntie mamak! |
Good newscaster-to-be! |
Again and again. |
Tak kisahlah,then kita lupa kejap pasal tue. Nak jugak story pasal gentlemen dalam 3 P nie. Everybody is just nice,I mean fuckin' good lah. Plus,before this I had never been so close with 'em. Yer lah,semua datang dari ceruk laen-laen. Streaming punya pasal!
Tapi,tue bukan halangan nak gempakkan 3 P nie. Semuanya dengan agenda masing-masing. Ader yang kuat tidow,and ada yang kuat meniru. Asal copy terus paste. Memang no denial lah korang tebaek dari ladang. Even cicak pown tak berani nak bersarang!
Thanks to me taw! |
Mat -mat kepoh jalanan. I miss you all lah-.- |
Mothertounge. Haha! |
Laah,ko lagi-.- |
ehhh,ngko lagi. Haih-.- |
Prep malam 5 minutes,then party! |
Haha. Thinking of you lah bdk Jitra! |
Angkatan mat mat shempoi-.-Gediks ones. |
Me? Haha. |
Once upon a time,wajah kanak-kanak |
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Nie time Jamuan Batch.. Me,Faris,Danial and Fahim-.- |
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Water-drunk! |
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Bebudak rumah Cengal. ( Merah ) |
nama-nama katanya ikut I/C-.-
- Keemi
- Che Up
- Chorp
- Ismet
- Poggy
- Aeman
- O'e
- Zaid
- Danial
- Majdi
- Amir
and so on lah
Anyway,everything tak akan sempurna tanpa korng. Mr. A,aku rindu lah pembentangan projek kita. Haha.
Tapi kan,dorang nie baek+underdog+nerd! Haha. Ntahlah,somehow best buat-buat study ngn korang sumua!
Party like a rockstar k x)
So,everything aku just harap the memories were left in our mind secretly. Sooner or later,kita maybe berjumpa but in different classes. Anyway,I love you all. Thanks for the smiles and the tears!
8 A's with you all lah~
So,everything aku just harap the memories were left in our mind secretly. Sooner or later,kita maybe berjumpa but in different classes. Anyway,I love you all. Thanks for the smiles and the tears!
8 A's with you all lah~
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